What is eXtra Buttons?

eXtra Buttons is a free app that can be used to add buttons to a window. Since all we have is a Windows user is a set of three buttons, Minimize, Maximize, and Close, which is clearly not enough and is counter-productive. With eXtra Buttons, you can create your own set of buttons and place it on top of a window. There are a lot of buttons that you can add depending on the task that you want it to do. So, basically, you will have a series of buttons on top of the window and you will decide what those buttons can do.

Add eXtra Buttons to the Title bar of a window in Windows 11/10

eXtra Buttons is an easy-to-use software to add more buttons and we are going to see how to use the same.

How to download eXtra Buttons?

To use eXtra Buttons, you need to first download and install it. You can go to the official website and then install the app from there. It is a 1.33 MB app, so, there is no need to worry about it eating your hard drive or your Internet. Then install that software on your computer and the icon will be created online.

How to configure and use eXtra Buttons to add in the title of the window?

After downloading and installing the app, we need to see how you can use it. After launching the app for the first time, you will see a strip containing Always on top, Send to tray, and Bookmarks button.

However, you can add more buttons to that very strip from eXtra Buttons Options. So, search for “eXtra Buttons Options” from the Start Menu and open it. Then from the Available buttons list, select the button of your choice and click Add >. If you want to add all of them at once, click Add All ». You can also remove a key from there, by selecting it and clicking < Remove. In order to remove all the keys at once, click « Remove All. After configuring the app, click Apply > Ok. Following are the buttons available in eXtra Buttons.

Always on topSend to trayBookmarksCopy WindowRoll-up/UnrollMinimize to BoxTransparencyPercentage TransparencyMinimize to TrayMinimize to Tray MenuClick throughMove to another monitorFull Screen

As per your need, you can add or remove the buttons and have a great experience with this app. You can also see Hotkey for any and all buttons via eXtra buttons options. From the Buttons settings, click on the button that you can want to configure and set the Current Hot Key, which should be None by default. You can do this to all the buttons and make life easier for you. If you like the application, you can download it from xtrabuttons.com for free.

What are the 3 main buttons on the title bar in Windows OS?

The three main buttons on the title bar in a Windows computer are the following.

Minimize: As the name suggests, this button is used to minimize the window you are working on. If you want to access the minimize app, just click on its icon from the Taskbar it will be resumed. Minimizing won’t stop the background processes.Maximize: This is used to show your window in sort of a fullscreen mode. I said, sort of, because maximizing the window won’t make it to cover the entire screen, it will cover the screen but the Taskbar. This is used when working on a single project, but many users prefer working on a smaller window when multitasking.Close: This button is as simple as it sounds, you can close a program with it. Unlike minimizing, Close button will suspend all the tasks that were running in the program.

How do you customize the Title bar buttons?

Windows don’t have a lot when it comes to customizing the title bar. The most you can do is change the color of the title bar. But our goal here is to customize the buttons of the title bar and that you can do by using the freeware in question aka eXtra Buttons Read Next:

Title bar, Minimize, Maximize, Close buttons missingEnable colored Title Bar for an INACTIVE window.

Add eXtra Buttons to the Title bar of a window in Windows 11 10 - 32Add eXtra Buttons to the Title bar of a window in Windows 11 10 - 21